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Black Hills Energy making upgrades to system near intersection of 2nd and Emerson
Gas construction

Alliance, Nebraska, Oct. 15, 2019-You and your family need and deserve safe, reliable natural gas service, and Black Hills Energy is always looking ahead to make sure we deliver. That’s why we’re proactively updating natural gas lines in your area.

Tomorrow, October 16, you may see us on your daily commute.  Black Hills Energy will be performing an upgrade of its facilities near the intersection of 2nd and Emerson. During the project Black Hills Energy will be making a new connection into the natural gas system.  This means the crew will be releasing natural gas to clear the system in order to be able to safely complete the work. 

This is a safe procedure and residents in the area may briefly experience to following:

 The release of gas can make a loud noise similar to a jet engine.  This will not last long and is part of the routine process taking place as part of construction.

Depending on the direction of the wind, those close to the construction zone may briefly smell natural gas. Natural gas is naturally odor free, so a harmless chemical named mercaptan is added to make leaks easier to detect. The odor is pungent and commonly compared to rotten eggs.

 If you do suspect a natural gas leak:

  • Leave the building or area immediately and tell others to leave too. Alert your neighbors.
  • From a safe distance, call 911 and Black Hills Energy’s emergency number: 800-694-8989. Never assume someone else has reported a natural gas leak.
  • On the way out, do not flip light switches, open windows, ignite a flame, use a cell phone or other electronics that could cause a spark of static electricity
  • Never attempt to repair a natural gas leak and do not attempt to turn natural gas valves on or off.
  • Wait for Black Hills Energy and other emergency responders to give the all-clear before acting further.

Traffic flow is not expected to be impacted by this construction project, but you will likely see our signage in the area to notify drivers of the work and asking drivers to take necessary precautions as they travel through the area. 

We appreciate your cooperation and patience as we deliver an advanced, modern gas system that will safely and reliably serve you and generations of Nebraskans to come.

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