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Reliability Center meets food challenge in South Dakota
Food drive

With higher costs all around us these days, it’s gotten harder for some of our neighbors to put food on their tables.

The electric Reliability Center at Horizon Point in Rapid City, South Dakota, did its part to help out by hosting a food drive and pitting two teams against each other for bragging rights and in hopes of maximizing donations. System operators vs. support staff? Bring it on!

Teams rallied to bring in non-perishable food items and piled donations high on tables placed on respective sides of the glass wall between them. Last year the Reliability Center collected 107 pounds of food for Feeding South Dakota, so this year’s goal was 150 pounds.

It was a close competition throughout the month of February. Congratulations to the system operator team for clinching the win at the end of the drive, collecting a total of 116 pounds!

The competition was fun for team members and a huge success for Feeding South Dakota, a statewide hunger relief organization that provides temporary food assistance to thousands of people each week. Between the two teams, the Reliability Center collected 214 pounds of food for families in need.

Thank you to everyone who took part!

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