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How to free your fall from furnace fear (and enjoy more football while you’re at it)
fall weather

It’s fall! Time to sip on pumpkin spice lattes, jump in the leaves and settle into long Sunday afternoons watching football.

Savor all things fall even more with the peace of mind that your furnace is ready for the changing seasons.

Your furnace enjoyed a nice summer vacation, but now it’s time to make sure it’s ready to keep you and your family safe and warm. That’s where we can help.

We’ll make sure your furnace is running safely

The combustion process that allows your furnace to heat your home needs to be precise so that your unit operates safely and efficiently. A small glitch in that process can mean deadly carbon monoxide levels.

We’ll clean it for you

You survived spring cleaning, so let us help you in the fall. We’ll clean your furnace to make sure it’s running efficiently. When your furnace gets dirty, it takes more energy to push the air through it. Our fall cleaning will help you save on energy costs this winter.

furnace cleaning

We’ll fix small problems before they turn into big ones

Our technicians can handle small problems before they turn into major fixes. If your furnace’s airflow isn’t working properly, it can put extra strain on the system. We’ll check it out and fix it before it becomes a bigger problem.

furnace inspector tech

Now’s a great time to schedule a tune-up. Don’t wait until the really cold weather rolls in before making sure your furnace is operating efficiently and safely. Schedule today!

Importance of a furnace inspection

Watch two of our Service Specialists, Seth and Cory, talk about the importance of a furnace inspection and provide some tips for our customers.


Visit for more tips and tricks to keep your furnace running safely and efficiently.

Or, give us a call at 888-890-5554 and leave it to our experienced Service Guard technicians. They can make sure there are no glitches in your unit’s combustion process, clean your furnace to make sure there’s nothing blocking air flow, and fix small problems before they turn into big ones.

Make sure to follow us on FacebookInstagramLinkedIn and Twitter for the latest tips!


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