The Colorado Electric team distributed more than 1,000 DIY weatherization kits in four Colorado communities in October as part of Energy Awareness Month.
The team of 26 volunteers attended events in Cripple Creek, Rocky Ford, Canon City and Pueblo. The goal was to provide customers with energy efficiency measures they can install themselves to help reduce home energy use and prepare their homes for the upcoming winter weather.
Our team handed out 1,300 weatherization kits, each of which contains LED lightbulb, rope caulking, weather stripping, an LED nightlight, refrigerator thermometer, outlet insulator, smart power strip and information on local assistance programs. They also handed out an additional 2,400 LED lightbulbs.
Our partner resource organizations included the Aspen Mine Center in Cripple Creek, Tri-County Services in Rock Ford and the Council of Governments monthly food distribution in Canon City. The largest event was the City of Pueblo’s “Team Up to Clean Up” event, which drew more than 600 city residents to the state fairgrounds for free trash disposal.
Our customers appreciated receiving the weatherization kits, and our team of volunteers was rewarded with many thanks, good blessings and accolades for our efforts.
Great job team!
We partner with our communities and customers, providing the kind of energy that fuels those areas and the lives of those we serve. Feel free to share the stories and photos. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, and Pinterest for more!
Positive Energy
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